Holistic Healing, Art & Designs
Holistic Practice & Philosophy
Alternative Medicine
Shamanic Energy Spiritual Healing
Psychic Mediumship
What is Energy Medicine?
It is over 2000 years old from the far East that helps reduce pain, stress, and emotional discomfort while increasing clarity and rejuvenation.​​
* It restores mental, emotional balance and physical health
* It is a science of the mind that treats the root cause of illness or disease not the effect.
* It is excellent for reducing pain, stress, and tense muscles.
* It helps release emotional pain of past trauma, and comforts during the grieving process.
* It accelerates recovery after surgery
* It lessens addictive behaviors, increases clarity, calms and rejuvenates
* It produces clear improvements in seemingly hopeless conditions.
Integrative Health Services are offered at our Community Wellness Collaborative on Adams Ave. Sandiego.
FREE clinic every Wednesday beginning April 2025

What to expect during a Healing Session
I begin with a body scan to identify blockages, imbalances, or pain. Proper breathwork with Guided imagery is essential for total getting into the void. You may invite your spirit guides to aid in this healing process.
With a gentle Laying-on-of-Hands, you’ll experience a warm tingling sensation flow throughout your body/mind. This is Universal life-force energy of unconditional love.
Messages from the Spirit realm may come through during the process. This information should be received with an open min,d and meditated upon for clarity.
Relax and enjoy the journey. Emerge calm, focused, and surrounded by Divine Light. This is your spiritual-awakening to Source or God.
After a session rest, and drink plenty of plain water to allow the natural release of toxins. Refrain from using OTC medications.
Your prescription will be a straightforward course of action that harmonizes with everyday life. As negative behaviors and attitudes diminish you will be healing from the inside-out.
The speed of recovery depends upon your ability to accept, and move past your present illness or negative situation. Prepare for major lifestyle and relationship changes.
Request a Private Session at your location.

"...Your class was very soothing and enjoyable. It was higher level of learning, and gave me insight on how I can connect with my inner self to get answers for my health and well-being. Normally I don't live my life with that connection in mind, but by being aware of its existence helped me overcome obstacles as simple learning experiences to go through, not fight against. As life gives us lots of challenged, the techniques you showed us had a way of addressing them in a positive way." Lia Renda, Leviton Mfg. Co Systems Analyst NYC
“The Mindfulness for stress-free living workshop with Mia was great. We enjoyed sharing and learned so much." -Eduardo Cervantes, Secretary, Unity of SD
"Mia generously gives of herself and her experiences as life lessons, helping others to find their path to natural healing and wholeness. Being in her positive presence during a healing session is a blessing. I find her to be an inspiration as she motivates me to keep moving forward a step at a time to find my New Self. --Susan Boutros, Pres. Environmental Assoc. Ltd. Microbiological Lab director