Holistic Healing, Art & Designs

Survival Skills for Success
Balance Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual body
Awaken Creative Child Within
Heighten Intuition
Elevate Spirit
Sessions are inspiring, educational, and restorative, emphasizing truth and the power of present-moment awareness. Each workshop embraces a combination of tools and techniques for mind-body balance and spiritual development.
Eight sessions: $25/session.
Pre-Meditation An essential prerequisite for getting into the void of deep meditation and mastering self-empowerment is with Qi Gong breathwork. Mia will help you create a secure place to go (in your mind) when life's situations become unbearable. ​
Intuition & Memory Recall (Mudras). Learn how to recognize, understand and respond to messages your body sends. What an exhilarating feeling of self-empowerment as you replace old fears with the power of your potential.
Cleansing and protection against Energy Vampires How to recognize what/who is draining your energy.
Building-Releasing & Protection Exercises to build and release vital energy. How to re-energize and protect yourself for whole-body optimum health.
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping on specific acupuncture points on the face and body.
Bio-Vocal Harmonics Sound Healing for chronic conditions. ​
The Seven Chakras: Learn Behaviors and Attitudes that affect your overall mind-body health. Balancing your Masculine & Feminine Sides.
Each workshop will be a Fun, Life-affirming Adventure inviting you to delve into your innate creative self that's been buried for years based on someone else's judgment of your abilities. I will be your Spiritual Guide, assisting you on your journey inward, and together, we will meet your Inner Child.
Doodle designs into prepared shapes using makers, paint or ink. Create a Life Mandala. We'll use our middle name only. If you don't have one, make one up.
​Blind Drawing An exercise study on Inner Knowing. Suspend all beliefs. No peeking! You'll be challenged, but surprised at what is revealed. ​
Create a Tarot Deck Collage Personal Guidance cards that speak from your soul. Each will illustrate "I am one who.....".​
Make a Pendulum Enhance your Intuition; Psychic Ability. ​**********************************************************************
Emotional Support Circle for self-discovery. Everything starts with the first step. Share times when you fell victim to circumstances in your life; When emotions were running wild and decisions had to be made.
Talking Stick Circle 5 minute responses. Identify obstacles of Self-sabotage. Release stress & pressure during transformation. Restore Sanity, Balance & Clarity for successful outcomes.